Woman Who Couldn't Stop Growing Dies: 7 Foot Tanya Angus

Tanya Angus Photos

A woman who couldn't stop growing has died on Monday in Las Vegas at the age of just 34.

When Tanya Angus died she had grown to 7 feet and 2 inches; she suffered from a rare condition called gigantism, which means she continued to grow even beyond the age that most others stop. She died on Monday after suffering from a severe cold.

The formal name of the condition the woman suffered from was "acromegaly." The condition meant that she went from a 5 foot 8 inch teenager taking part in fashion shows, to more than 7 feet tall. Her facial appearance also changed drastically over time due to the condition, according to reports.

After doctors investigated her condition they explained that it had been caused by a non-cancerous tumor growth in her brain. The tumor was on her pituitary gland, and caused her to continue growing.

The condition also meant that as well as growing in length, the woman put on weight very quickly. Tanya Angus reportedly nearly doubled her weight in a short space of time due to acromegaly.

The debilitating condition became worse and worse and even conducting every day tasks proved to become more and more difficult. She required assistance to put on her over-sized clothes - her mother has said, "There's nothing made for giants."

Her mom, Karen Strutynski, has also revealed that at one point her daughter had said to her: "Mom, I don't know why I got it. But I guess God decided that I could handle it."

Tanya Angus became an advocate for a cure for the condition, and went on to appear on a number of chat shows. Doctors also managed to control her hormone levels following a number of surgeries.

However, Tanya Angus passed away this week, after suffering from a severe cold, and it is thought that her condition had caused a tear to appear on her heart.

The precise cause of death has not yet been determined, and an autopsy is planned for confirm what caused her death.

Source : christianpost.com

Liquid Diets That Work

So what exactly is a liquid diet?

I know that the answer to this question seems quite obvious - however, there is a difference the common belief of what a liquid diet is and what it really is. The common belief for a liquid diet is that you just drink liquid for so many days and you will lose weight. This is not the case. You can’t just drink alcohol and lose weight. You can’t drink soda and lose weight. For a real liquid diet, you have to drink a certain type of liquid for a certain number of days. This is a program that trains you to stay away from solid food for a certain about of days or a certain amount of time per day. A diet that qualifies as a liquid diet is a diet that requires that at least 80% of your calories come from a liquid.

Is it safe to use a liquid diet to lose weight?

There is no real answer to this question. Why is that? No liquid diet is the same as the next. Therefore, the safety of a liquid diet depends on the contents you are drinking. As for the duration of the diet, it is not safe to continue on a liquid diet for longer than 10 days. This is unhealthy and can cause many problems. A short term liquid diet is generally fine depending on what liquid you are drinking.

How does a liquid diet work?

A liquid diet consists of drinking x amount of liquids for a certain number of days. In the meantime, you generally stay away from any solid foods. The liquid diet cleanses your body, eliminates water retention and cleans your colon. After you have completed your liquid diet, you will need to change your eating habits as well as your lifestyle. This will be the determining factor in losing weight.

Which liquid diets work?

Honestly, it is going to depend on your body and your lifestyle. Here are a few liquid diets that I recommend.

The Lemonade Diet

The Lemonade Diet, otherwise know as The Master Cleanse works very well for weight loss, and maybe even more importantly for detoxing your body, overcoming addictions and for overall general well being.

Juice Fasting

Juice fasting has become very popular in recent years, with many people following a juice fast for up to 40 days and longer. Juice fasting involves drinking only the juice of fresh fruit and vegetables. Before embarking on a juice fast, you are advised to research the subject well, as you can expect to experience various side effects as your body detoxes.

Green Smoothie Diet

While not strictly a liquid diet, the green smoothie diet is the perfect diet to make the transition to a liquid diet, and is a great weight loss diet without going so far as only drinking liquids. The green smoothie diet involves blending any variety of vegetables or fruit together with a few handful of leafy green vegetables.

Benefits of a Green Smoothie diet include but are not limited to weight loss, improved skin tone, more energy and general detox, without the sometimes nauseous detox symptoms of a juice fast.

Source : fastdieteasy.com